Monday, January 9, Berthina handed off the key to 922 First Street...
We have a blank slate, so to speak!
I am so excited to be moving Speckled Hen to this wonderful, historic building.
The floors are creaky and worn and lean a little to the left,
think of all the folks who have walked in this old storefront!
I like to picture the shoes they wore... high~button shoes, leather boots, canvas tennies...
It is cliche I know, but "If these walls could talk, what stories they would tell!"
We took out a sink and counter left from the days as a tea room, which left the wall a big mess.
A little pine paneling covers a multitude of sins!

Doug, along with our friend Harry and brother~in~law Bryce framed in the wide opening to the storage room. Now it is just the right size for our old screen door.
Now it's time for a fresh coat of paint...
Rich and John mask the trim and the light fixtures in preparation of the job ahead.
Soon the ceiling will be 'Washed Canvas' and the walls will be 'Sofie's Quilt'.
In my next life, I want a job naming paint colors! Don't they sound wonderful?
We love antiques, don't you:)

Saturday the 14th our son Russ and son~in~law Todd joined the fun. Russ helped Bryce put up the Wash House sign and roof, while Todd cut in and framed a window in the odd little room. Now it all looks so cozy!

The window we chose came from my sister Jill's old house.Now she is a part of the hen house too!
So, here we are all charged up and ready to move in and Mother Nature decides to offer us her best winter splendor! It started snowing on Sunday and pretty much kept on all week. Did that slow us down? Not a bit! Doug had to work early on Monday morning, so Harry picked me up about 8 am and we headed into town. Once we parked in front of the new shop, Harry slipped on his orange vest and shoveled a little trail from 915 to 922, set up cones and we were ready to roll!
We wanted to get the big old counter and the red shed moved on Monday, then the plan was to move the rest of the big furniture on Tuesday. By 10 am Doug was off work, Todd was back and my dear friend Kim came by and we just kept on truckin'...
By the end of the day, the new shop was full of furniture, bins and boxes and piles...

Dear friends Betty and Reidar peeked in after lunch to check our progress. I told them, come back, we'll be open on Friday. I think Betty thought I was a little nutty... could be the paint fumes I guess!
Oh, man...

By Thursday, the moving was over and it was just like putting a puzzle together. My sister Gayle came everyday to help me figure out the pieces, along with Bryce and Doug. It really was fun seeing it come together.
My sister, Gayle and friend Sharon of TroyBeck Antiques.
I could never have accomplished this project without the help of my wonderful family and friends.
Bryce was there every day, up the ladder, under the shop, across the street, you name it, he did it!
Gayle painted, swept & decorated while we reminisced our childhood.
Harry~ above and beyond, good neighbor, wonderful friend.
Russ and Todd gave up a Saturday afternoon with their little ones to help ol' mom.
Sharon not only loaned me warm snow boots & and wool socks,
but brought home~made corn chowder for lunch!
My mom and dad are in sunny Arizona, but they called everyday to check on me
and offer their love and moral support.
Kim took a vacation day to help out, Priscilla baked cookies and lasagna
and her nice husband, Bryan drove her to town to deliver her gifts.
Doug's friend Greg from Costco stopped in, as did great friends Gwen & Joe.
Doug, Bryce, Harry, Russ, Todd, Gayle, Sharon, Kim, Priscilla, Bryan...
offered so much more than helping hands. Love, laughs & encouragement...
and all during the biggest winter storm in years!
Thank you all so much!
You are the best~
The finished project? Better come in and see!
Blessings to you~
Lynda & Sparky